I had to tune it down a few steps in order to be able to sing
My landlord installed a second doorknob. You can’t open the door without turning both of them.
My son solo traveling
Tips on giving head
Returning to work this week after 2 months in rehab… what do I say?
i literally cannot save in this economy and i have cut all my expenses including trash pickup lmao. how am I supposed to contribute to my IRA?!?!!
Etymology of State Names
Biggest forgone conclusion/most unnecessary fight in your opinion?
Conor McGregor hits out at Irish prime minister
Legendary guitarist Steve Cropper is a great example of how much the late 1960s changed people. Left photo is him in 1967, right photo is him in 1971.
Hard boiled eggs, a block of cheese, and wraps
Roommate is charging me extra because I use the shower more
Roadkill - should I use it?
Bryce Mitchell says he’s been having ‘demonic dreams’ since the UFC314 press-conference, and believes Jean Silva is possessed by “a legion of demons” - “When I said the name Jesus he was provoked to maliciousness, and he started barking like a dog.”
I got a GITS tattoo today.
is sniper hipfire truly random or does it have some aspect of locking onto the target bc i feel like i’ve been hitting way too many no scopes in mix tape recently
Protein powders: why do we pay so much, for so little?
Should I be concerned?
Buddhist Views on Euthanasia for a Dying Pet?
I want to try LSD but am afraid because i’m getting drug tested.
I am 27 going back to school and decided to pursue civil engineering is it worth it?
Should I take a $40k salary cut to work for a municipality that has a pension and gets 12 paid holidays off plus 3 weeks PTO a year?
Kid is a damn spy for Topuria 😂
Is it okay to tell your friend you dont wanna talk anymore cus you like them?
Was my friend being inappropriate toward my boyfriend