Do you think Kaiba would still have been a good duelist if he wasn’t rich?
How do you think an interaction between these two would’ve gone?
So how many times do you think they dueled in the afterlife and how many times do you think Kaiba won?
How many of the tailed beasts do you think Pain could take on at once? What about the other Akatsuki members?
What do you think the gap in skill and deck build is needed to duel multiple people at once?
How do you think Yami Marik would’ve fared in the Virtual World ? How would he interact with the villains of the arc? Do you think he could’ve beaten the Big Five and Noah?
Whose deck in the original series would you consider the most consistent and least likely to brick with?
Kakashi and Tsunade are there to back Naruto up against Pain, but he has no toads with him, can he take down Pain without Kurama?
If Marik didn’t have Card of Safe Return active when Yugi started the loop with Revival Jam and Brain control, would this have been an infinite loop?
How much stronger do you think Naruto got when he unlocked KCM1 during the early stages of the War Arc, compared to his Sage Mode during the Pain Arc? And how difficult would it be for KCM1 to take down full power Pain?
Raikage and Killer Bee vs the Six Paths of Pain
If you were dropped into the beginning of Battle City with Joey’s deck, but you have your knowledge of the game with you as well, how far do you think you could go in the tournament?
If you had access to DOMA’s card shop like Rex and Weevil and could build a deck based on cards seen in the series, do you think you could become the King of Games in the original series?
If Sasori and Deidara were sent to capture Killer Bee, how would they do? What about Kakuzu and Hidan? And finally what about the Six Paths of Pain?
How do you Kaiba would react if he had summoned Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon in his duel vs Joey and it was destroyed by Joey’s dice combo and Swordsman of Landstar
If BOS Sakura had access to Kamui and could use it as much as Obito could, who is the strongest character she could beat?
How would the Deva Path do against the rest of the Akatsuki? (See description)
How would Pain Arc Kakashi do against Kisame? What about War Arc Kakashi?
According to WikiHow, this is how you shuffle your experience Yugioh Decks.
Alive EMS Madara no Susanoo vs the Five Kage
If Madara is alive and doesn’t have access to his Susanoo, how much of the Shinobi alliance army can he take down by himself?
Rematch, Rock Lee from the Preliminaries vs Sasuke from the Chunin Exam finals
Characters who know they’re evil and enjoy it.
Do you think Joey or Kaiba could’ve taken down Strings?
How do you think Grandpa lost to Kaiba (in the anime)?