Is there a list of creepy/satanic/ritualistic SK's?
Questions & Answers - Weekly Megathread! Please use this post to ask any Pokemon GO question you'd like!
Which serial killer has the best story?
Putin's Demands For "Peace"
What's a discontinued product you wish would come back?
What’s an adult confession you’d never tell your family?
Niantic Announcement Tomorrow
Which three for 1993 would you choose?
Waterfox installation takes forever
Every special background released so far! (which one is your favorite?)(Special backgrounds are different from Location backgrounds)
PSA: Catch your Legendary from Timed Research on Saturday, after midnight for easier Pass completion (needs confirmation about the start time of unlocked Points for the weekend)
Guaranteed Lucky trade counter is a must
Application Error
Pokémon GO Tour: Unova – New Taipei City / Los Angeles - Raid Bosses(TIER5:Reshiram,Zekrom,Black Kyurem,White Kyurem / TIER3:Druddigon / TIER1:Snivy,Tepig,Oshawott / Appearing from Friday, February 21, 2025, at 5 AM (local time).)
If you could ask anything about the game, what would you want to know?
Reminder to teach Kyurem Glaciate before fusing
Kyurem shiny and Background are active at LA Unova tour
Real question. Do you play to win or to have fun?
LF a TED talk regarding different luck hormone levels across the span of a human life
What features would you like implemented for your RP immersion?
Mexico's president warns U.S. against invading to fight cartels after Washington designates them as terrorist groups
Legacy Moves live during Unova Tour
Older Millenials: what health problems are you experiencing?
US Reportedly Halts Weapon Sales to Ukraine