What is your most hated nerf of Gen 9?
Nickname suggestions for this Cutie?
Soloed the new 7 star with lord chubby baby Bellibolt.
PSA: Moxie is a DANGEROUS ability! Make sure to bring something to remove this ability to this 7🌟 raid
What Do You See?
Paldea Starters and Pseudo Legendaries 7 Star Raids
Get your luxury balls, beast balls and apriballs ready!! 7🌟Mighty Paldea starter raids coming soon!
Do people actually know about/use this during raids? What would you change the messages to if you could?
The best part of waking up is Golduck in your face!
Who/what is your favorite angry character or moment?
Help me name the Croc!!
Torterra 7🌟 Moves/Script Info
Pink shiny Pokémon: love or hate them? 🩷✨
Malamar solos the Feraligatr.
What is your favorite catching style?
HUGE missed opportunity for an academy's multiple choice and foundation
What is your favorite Pokemon from any game, any generation and why?
Attention Palossand lovers, Infernape has Grass Knot :(
Blissey's Wild Weekend!
Good raid Pokémon that can use clear smog?
Pokémon’s Next Top Model is…(cycle 5)
Does anyone else find it strange that there's no Lucario, Toucannon, Palossand, Archaludon or Hydrapple Tera raids? Will they be events?
Name a Pokémon and I’ll draw it from memory. Also I suck at drawing!
The amount of people trying to bring Fighting and Dragon types to the Dragonite Raid was unbelievable.
Stellar Tera Iron Hands and 7 Star Dragonite Raid