[WP] First contact did not go as well as anyone planned. It turns out humans are regarded as the cutest most adorable organisms in the galaxy, and the only ones who didn’t know... was us.
[WP] With every religion fighting for power and contradicting each other, you decided to forfeit your previous faith and make up your own. With a newfound pen and piece of paper, you begin. "The-" A GOD descends from the heavens and taps you on the shoulder. "You seem legit. Want some help?"
Poor planning.
[WP] The Demon King is a man of his word and has promised to return the favor after you, the hero, saved his life. You decide to finally cash in. He’s going to be your date for the kingdom ball.
Dragons 😍
[WP] dragons have always been the apex predators of your world, it was only a few days ago when you realized something though, dragons have eyes on the side of their heads, like a prey animal, this left you with only one question, what was their predator? Today you finally got your answer.
The herald of andraste is fighting Shepard and his companions, which 3 companions should the herald bring?
Trans Service Members have until March 26th to leave voluntarily
am i being a knob for having a preference for typically masculine looking men.
Surprised not many picked up on this
This has always confused me since back in middle school
So what Dragon age 2 did Better than Origins?
3 years ago i played DAI on a old x360 and fell in love with the game, this year i got a series s. Here are comparisons of both versions
Context for the recent “kink”
Taash's interactions with Shathann are exactly what you'd expect from a 2nd generation immigrant.
Random headcanons that turned out to be canon?
What do u think guys, they will do so much just to try to stop our happiness
Bisexuality among young people reaches new peak in my country (Spain) at 23'6%. At this rate more than half of young people will be LGBT!
German tv show where contestants try to split things perfectly in half
Seriously, is anybody continuing the story? I know the author passed away, but is the story being continued?
Black, blue or red? 😸
Does anyone feel like they are bad at the writing part of writing?
When exactly should one "get out of the Hinterlands"?
"If I get high enough, will I see you again?" I whisper, pressing the needle in, chasing your ghost through collapsing veins.
Well I definitely feel called out
I want to write but I am scared…