Con crit welcome! How can I improve this yellow and black?
Sassy Nurgling
Death Guard & Sassy Nurgling WIP
Death Guard WIP
Blood Angels Dreadnought
"Jack (Black Crow Miniatures)" WIP
2024 Favorites (my red phase)
Goff Boy
MPO Online Entries
Deathwing Knights
Getting back to the miniature painting hobby after 20 years- could that be sold as a power sword? (WIP of my second mini)
Sons of Horus Leviathan
Mantis Warrior Terminator
Blood Angel Terminator
I tried volumetric highlights and NMM, kinda sucks, would appreciate help.
Mantis Warrior
How do i make my edge highlights stand out more?
BA Terminator
BA Terminator WIP
Terminator WIP
Goff boy