[KCD2] Ars Dimicatoria can't enter ring
Does this look like a field camo or just stupid and poorly hand brushed?
Post your favourite pict of your country leader, here is Macron tasting the famous finnish coffee
These clone tanks are dumb
3000 Waffentragers sold in under 4 minute for 100k gold each
My brother-in-law killed my Steam Deck
What is the BEST edition of the Star Wars OT/PT in terms of picture, sound & special features?
Tough finds or expensive out of print Blu-rays that you want?
This game upsets me when I play it, and I disagree with the monetization scheme. I am deleting my account to stop myself from playing it anymore. No ill will to the community, but this game is not healthy for me. GG.
Started get back into physical collecting recently
Blade Runner was a huge letdown (Storywise)
Just got these for 1€ per Bluray
Day 1 getting a comment from every subdivision of Europe
Pulled the trigger
Egg nog 2.0
SLR680 refurbishment
Help please 🙏
Stupidly pulled the film cartridge out of my camera (binstax) because I thought it was empty. Completely ruined the exposed film, but this is how the film under it came out.
Is CFL turning into Deutsche Bahn?
Photos too dark
Old Polaroids from my dad
Posting memes untill Greece paid back their debt day 2
It's time for Valve to get into this home console market !
Barry hat uns alle hopsgenommen, wie konnen wir nur so dumm sein