Anything similar to Vengeance
How to find people to play with?
Tips for Jin Dahaad
After learning a lot from the way people make their characters, and enough tweaking, I was able to be happy with my Hunter, Cadence.
Rolled pretty well on my Artian weapon just now as the kids say. (Coefficient off)
Layered Fashion Sets
Based on the storyline, which gender and age would be appropriate for the protagonist?
Well... I mean... Who wouldn't ship them🤷
Question about bow coatings
Anyone need help grinding?
I'm loving the photo mode! hoping they will improve it.
Spent more time drip farming than deco farming
anyone willing to help with a couple guardian rathalos hunts?
Lady Edelgard in New Monster Hunter
How would you describe Re Zero [discussion]
Endgame Look
What’s Everyone’s Favorite Screenshots
Games vibe shifts dramatically after finishing story.
Work Around on Ps5. Spread the Message Quickly
No Name
Goodbye Kisses (@mi_zu_no)
Looking for a group for the network test. Ps
Looking for 2 to play the tests with PS
If Anyone Wants to Team up (PS5)
The Nightfarers