What would you do if you were US president for 1 year?
What would happen to Daniel if he never met Mr. Miyagi?
A genuine opinion from someone who hated the ending, Floch is not Erwin's successor.
What are the reasons women in the Mediterranean consider blonde guys "soft" and submissive?
What’s the point of having kids?
Who is your favorite president?
What dumb views did you used to have?
What’s a joke so dumb that it’s actually hilarious?
Americans, do you understand why brits put x’s at the end of messages or is this just absolute madness to you?
How do you make friends as a teenager?
Why Can't Canada , The Common Wealth of Nations and the EU adopt the Euro as a default Currency ?
What’s something you were shocked to find out was real because you always thought it was just a myth?
what do you regret doing / not doing when you were younger?
How do Canadians feel about the tariffs?
What do you guys think about all the theories of the moon landing ? Was it fake ? if so, how ?
Americans who are planning a Europe trip this summer. Do you think its going to be fun?
What would you say are some universally hated institutions?
How Trumps Tariffs against his Allies work - by cartoonist Bruce MacKinnon
Is a devil fruit even worth it if you plan to go to the New World?
The Old generation are a bunch of cowards
Does Oda even care about Zoro or his dream?
And action.... no no no
Oda what are you doing man????
I'm leaving this subreddit , the mods hate me , they delete all my posts after 2-3 hours