Remakes of songs in Type O Negative style and/or vocals that sound similar to Peter
Looks like Mastodon have decided to part ways with Brent
Blind Guardian - Sadly Sings Destiny
My review for the Roundhouse show for the metal mag I write for
Unleash the Archers - The Wind That Shapes the Land
My review of the London for the metal mag I write for
The most miserable experience of 2025
The arms of Arthur the Less, Bastard son of King Arthur
Thoughts on Green Lung
Breaking a little from the posts about the amazing London show yesterday, shoutouts to the person in front of me who filmed the concert on their Nintendo DS.
What was your first song?
Nile tonight in London
your favourite David Bowie covers?
Symphony x London gig?!
Lowen - Najang Bah Divhayeh Mazandaran [England, 2024] [FFO: Akercocke, Unleash the Archers, Sleep]
What if Athens had won the Peloponnesian War and Destroyed Sparta?
The correct reason to hate the legion
I know this is silly, but do ya’ll have any albums/songs that sound like this pic?
What's your favourite place in London that's not there anymore?
Birthplaces of most notable intellectuals during the period 500-1000 AD
Approximately 1200 hours of hand embroidery later (still need to add more) she's officially done enough to step out on the town.
[Masc V] After 3 years, I think I have to finally retire my V, here's to all the good times choom
Who is this figure?
Some thing I noticed about the new ending added with phantom liberty