Nerf quinn -_-
Why so much hate towards Sky Striker?
WTF am I supposed to do about Eccod Fires of Rage...
There aren't enought tanks in this game and the leaks aint looking to hot for the role. Any tanks you'd like to see?
Are the rival servers up rn?
Star lord ult is so bad.
Did they patch star lords animation cancel?
Star-lord feels weak now?
So even when fed zed cant 1v1 the new jng monster Atakhan, also I dont think I'll ever play PBE again
Worth one tricking?
can't do ts no more
Corki will probably receive a hotfix nerf
Wtf do i do against tanks mid?
Why do people say he's broken because he has energy.
I had a dream where zhonyas was removed
Is it just or me does Zed feel a lot weaker now, everyone feels so tanky now
Not profane no
People think Orochimaru would beat Tobirama???
My zed mid matchup tier list (left to right doesnt matter)
Crit Zed guide by me
Crit Zed is back bby <3
What are your thoughts on Alfred Kinsey?
Did league servers just crash right now?
Karma top counterplay