Is drawing comic harambee?
Are you proud of being Algerian?
An extract from a movie
I feel guilty for hiding my sins to my family
My great grandpa's passport during the time of french Algeria
Is prayer allowed on the University's campus
Je vais peut être passer pour un rageux mais je vois pas trop de déco...
Recent fiction books without lgbt characters
33 Years Later: Gaza's Longest-Serving Prisoner Reunites with Mother. Arrested as a child and returning to his mother with grey hair, Gaza's longest-serving prisoner, Diaa Al-Agha, embraces her after 33 years of captivity
A question from an Atheist on friendship with muslims.
Taking off Hijab…
How do we cut off ties with "friends" ?
Netanyahu: The Saudis can create a Palestinian state in Saudi Arabia, they have a lot of land over there.
Influence of Arabic on Different European Languages
please make dua for my cat with lung cancer
The Biggest Enemy That Africa Has To Fight Is Religion.
Discrimination towards women wearing hijab is a serious issue, we need to talk about this
as an Algerian, what do you think about Morocco?
Netanyahu is taking credit for the overthrow of Assad in Syria, from the occupied Golan, ironically talking about liberty, human rights and freedom from oppression.
Would You Support a Secular Algeria?
What the hell does Dipper and Hilda have to do with Palestine