Is my side labret rejecting/ infected?
Please help 18f/18m
Moving to Leicester from Ontario, Canada
Where can I buy bag strap replacement
Name a weapon you enjoy using in recent playthrough, that you didn't use much before. 🤗🤩🥰
Best things to do
Guess where I am couriers...
Tim P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-P-Price
If you could bring a companion to the Sierra Madre, who and why?
You have to stay at one of these 4 locations for one year (you can't leave) which one do you choose?
Probably just some weird texture thing but does anyone see scorpion paintings on this wall or like something?
Partner made a courier bag to patrol the Mojave with.
Is it possible to learn this power?
Made this in school today
This was the worse shit I ever played in Fallout. It's just couple hours of valve-like snowy solider game.
Down to the last RadAway in Vault 34
Dead Money is seriously brutal. There's just no room for mistakes in this DLC. One wrong move and you're done for. It's really unforgiving, but damn is it satisfying when you finally beat it.