What’s your opinion on how the Doctor treats us?
summary timeline
About DogDay's identity
so guys catnap has 2 souls like golden freddy
When do you think YGP took place?
How old do you think Poppy was before she died?
Does anyone think that 1424 might appear in the next chapter?
What was the stupidest PPT theory that you ever heard?
Do you think Kevin is meant to be red or orange?
Who do you think was the traitor?
Where did this image come from?
My Poppy human design cosplaying as Poppy :D
List of which experiments are who?
Elliot Ludwig is…
Who is the best ally?
Elliot after kicking Sawyer out of YGP and seeing him in 1990s
Don't make me come down there, you punk.
Why do people always design the player as a man?
Do we know what executives are still alive?
Is there a confirmed date for Sawyer being digitalized?
Who do you think the Prototype is?
Do they ever explain WHY this lab exists?
I got this from Harley's page on the Villains Wiki
Sometimes people in PPT community scare me. (Small talk about Harley and Elliot)
How many experiments were there?