Another Day Another Base Goku TOD
Feel actively suicidal with everything
Should I feel bad for leaving?
HERO is my favorite deck (pun intended!) but it feels kind of weak in this meta, let's give it these cards as support Konami please!
Didn't know Jaden and Mizar used the same skill
Drawer repair
2h in, can't tell a difference.
Say what you want about Konami but they know how to appeal to the sapphic community
Most broken skill of all time
Seasonpass Roadmap revealed
Enough Time Has Passed.
Should I withdraw?
What is this a sign of?
Anyone knows where I can find these cookies?
[request] Anybody knows where I can find these?
[i ate] Anyone knows where to find these?
Can I remove this or not?
Cooler TOD cant connect the last assist into DR - too much hitstun ? any advice?
DBFZ is getting a 2024/2025 world tour and another balance patch
Ruined my day...
What does this team say about me?
Any ideas to make this TOD better?
Any ideas on how to make this TOD better?
Is this a real card? I tried googling it but didn’t find anything.