[Echoes of Eternity] A slave of the IX legion recalls meeting Sanguinus.
Quasi-Comedic Khornite Short Story
Posted in case you forgot what really matters in life
Master of executions lore?
What is the dark side of the farsight enclaves?
Can chaos sorcery be used safely
Saw some people complaining about todays sculpts, thought they were wrong. Until I saw these…
Erebus, by me
What would be the catchphrase for the lamenters?
[Excerpt: Sigismund: The Eternal Crusader by John French] Sigismund's ascension to a Space Marine and his feelings about it
Amusingly Wacky Anti Flowchart Guide To Discussing Problematic Media (That Is Also Just Really Bad Qua Flowchart)
The Binding-Cord Machine [F]
Would a Genestealer cultist try to escape after seeing Tyranids cutting down other cultist?
Chaos Cultist in Triumph, Commission for u/LastPositivist
How to pick a color for a homebrew?
What Shadows Bring: A Short Story
*Cuts to intro of Game of Thrones like series*
Where are all the perpetual?
Valdor - Birth of the Imperium
Chapter 1 of Noir Mystery Fanfic Set in Khornite Society
Blood Pact Copium
Why do we not get books of non-astartes traitors?
Balance update coming this week
Kharn the Betrayer by me