Anyone have experience with real time crime specialist roles?
Criticall for secondary PSAPS.
What is your schedule?
What profession would you never date?
PepsiCo buys prebiotic soda brand Poppi to gain a foothold in functional drinks
I feel like my glasses make me uglier, and articles like these dont help.
Made the mistake of showing my family a purse I made and now everyone wants one 😭
I got my tubes removed
Gender neutral names starting with A?
I think abortions should be legal.
You are offered $3 million but to get it you have to live the life of the main character from the last series you watched for the entire run of the show
I miss Sweet Tomatos
What is your favorite word that sounds dirty, but is not?
How people from 1st world country be miserable?
What’s a “normal” childhood experience you later realized was actually traumatic?
Telecommunications week gift ideas
In which ways are you exactly the same as your 13 year old self?
Tired of APD’s Laziness
ADHDers, do you “abandon” yourselves?
Your friend gives you $20 for a lottery ticket and you win $100 million, how much are you giving your friend?
WIBTA if I tell my husband he can’t leave the job he hates?
Does your 911 center have a way to fairly force overtime?
That’s a big no for me, dawg
DAE just snap the spaghetti noodles in half, so they actually fit in the pot?
What’s a common hobby that is perfectly enjoyable with entry level equipment?