What is your controversial opinion about the Lostwave community?
Yo Gabba Gabba figures for less than a gazillion dollars
Mid- to Late 2000s Mini Stuffed Animals from Walmart
Don't spy on her in her room then
WIBTA if I tell my roommate to stop sucking on a pacifier? She's 19
What fiberfill/stuffing so you guys recommend?
PLEASE HELP! Lost my comfort clothing item (autism and bdd)
vintage animal alley unicorn
AITA for having a favorite child
AITA for putting my son's computer in the living room because of the way he treats his younger brother?
Like Nike says, "Just Do It"
My girlfriend is beyond stupid and I feel like I might have to end the relationship
AITA for loading my wife's pistol?
Wife Receiving Strange Voicemails
I think she likes The Nanny
AITA for watching “The Nanny”
I made a flower with eyes :D
Can this be created?
I'm so worried about my friend Classic-Fondant8327 that was her reddit user that she now deleted
The Farting Phone calls
Big Bird from Sesame Street - Finished - From vintage kit
Someone poisoned my cat yesterday, and today I found a strange marking on my front.
Odd photo in my camera roll
Upstairs neighbor following me room to room
The Genetics are Strong in this Family
Lost it at a child who isn't even theirs
AITA for calling a friend's child a little S..t
Mmmm poisoning
(AITA) for putting mr.clean multipurpose cleaner in my work fridge with my name on it?
the ugliest kid i’ve seen
Why will my kid not shower?