Does therapy actually work?
Whats the most embarrassing thing you accidentally mispronounced?
If you could say anything to yourself 10 years ago, what would it be?
What action do you consider morally right, even though most people would disagree?
Depression hits me pretty hard lately.
I’m so tired of being ugly
Gotta love the hypocrisy
What is the one thing that will make your day worst every single time?
What is something that feels good but is bad for you?
How come I always seem to get irritated whenever people online give me advice (even when their advice is good), yet whenever my therapist gives me similar advice, I'm willing to listen?
What are the best compliments to give a guy? What do you actually like to hear?
Got jumped, do i take revenge or leave it
For those who supported and voted for Trump in previous elections, has your opinion of him changed over time? Why or why not?
I’m a Man, asking other Men for real advice: Would you vote yes on a draft to include women in the upcoming war?
I feel trapped (positive advice only)
18 Male. My insecurities are getting to me.
Are relationships even worth it these days?