... Ah?
Jewel Ghoul's happy ending! (Suggested by @davo255)
"Don't cry little pizza tower fan, uncle gamebanana has enough reskin mods for you to play for the rest of your life. PIZZA OVEN, bring in the latest extra lap mod, the boy's hungry"
Favorite protagonists?
Favorite "too innocent for this world" character?
Who is this...RED GUY?!! (Only wrong answers)
Sick fucks makes this for kids?
Would you guys like to see nee as the hobgoblin in spider man 4?
I genuinely need somebody to explain to me, what the hate behind this movie is..because, I felt it was great.
DELTARUNE is very close. Im not joking, this not brainrot.
Favorite character which killed another of your favorite characters ?
Favorite character that is short (as in looks less than 4ft tall)
What sets would you love to see from the Lego Marvel theme?
Would You Want A Knowhere?
Dream Marvel CMF series!
Things I made in Miitopia
I have nothing to draw so tell me some Pizza Tower related things to draw! It could also have Roblox characters in it if you want to.
Do I bother making an Ollie cosplay or will people have forgotten about him by the time it's done?
Who’s your favorite Deltarune OC? I’ll go first
Couple of months ago I made my own version of a fake Anton so I gave him a spirit and what he feasts on
What to draw
I made a battle scene on top the the deli Lego set what do you think about it
What do I do?
Favorite character who has you like this