Hot Takes
John myungs best bass part
Last Words of Reddit Advice from a Retiring Engineer
Unexpected Scenes From a Memory
What is your DT unpopular opinion?
Trump announced he's moving forward with 25% tarrifs on Mexico and Canada
DOGE meet with mixed response in Alabama
Me and my non-fan wife saw DT in LA last night. It was awesome, but she had some strong opinions
Transcending Time (best tracks 2016-2025)
Why does Awake sound so freaking good!?
What are your thoughts on the mix and production of Parasomnia?
Other Mangini Songs Portnoy Will Pick In Future Setlists?
Fantastic performance of The Glass Prison from Gigantour.
LOL Tonight in Biloxi MS They totally fucked up the intro to Night Terror
Would gun range headphones work for hearing protection at a DT concert?
I love how different everybody's favorite DT songs are
Maybe some kids should get "left behind"..
Has anyone else learned Paralyzed by Dream Theater?
When it comes to mixing a bass guitar from a virtual instrument
What should I listen to before DT concert?
Favorite track from this album?
The problem with the drums on the Mangini albums...
Feedback requested for Metal song using Ample Hellrazer and GetGood drums