Is it a Singaporean SOP for this type of fridge?
Out of touch friends contacting me again as a FA
I am trapped between my parents and girlfriend. What should I do?
For the women who wear their hair down in this hot humid weather, how do you not get forehead and neck sweat? Any tips and tricks?
With the recent news of bullying in Montfort Secondary School, I noticed a certain group of schools are gangster schools.
Abusive couple burned body of woman’s daughter after man fatally punched 4-year-old
AITA or over reacting because my partner drinks everyday
Male koala holding and hugging deceased female in Australia! 💔
Perlis Homestay Owner declines non-malay guests and cancels our booking despite paying in full.
Spending almost 1k a month on transport. Is it better to get a car instead?
Will you leave a job if you find that the work that is not in your scope is pushed to you ?
Recommendations for portable chargers for iphone 13 with magsafe.
Use annual leaves to go for job interviews?
Cops summon parents of child who threw rocks and nails onto a road in Semporna
PD couple arrested after newborn's body found with stab wounds
Do flyers in Singapore even work?
Friend got offf with a warning for bringing pepper spray in singapore
Would you feel offended if someone corrected your English grammar?
I will have a 7.5H Layover in SIN airport. Looking for advice on what to see and do.
Why is singapore’s water aftertaste dry?
Share the cheapest hack food options for cheapo Sinkies?
AITA for waking up a sleeping woman on the bus?
looking for good ravioli in sg!
How much should you go out of your way for someone else’s wedding?
AITA for not forgiving my boyfriend