What was the most embarrassing thing that has happened to you in college?
I don't get the last one
Who does this guy fly for?
What is the "Mississippi" of your country?
DEI causes so many problems
Men of reddit. What makes a woman creepy?
The back fell off, now what?
Central Balkan mode
The end of german danzig. The creation of Polish Gdańsk.
Saarland should be its own State
Sandwiches till I die
Portugal DEUS VULT
Some youngsters took my car for a ride the other day
Gotta connect to it like the Smurfs from Avatar
Ryanair EU261 No response for over a month
New DTS gripe
According to you guys (based on the comments of my previous post) Every nations that needs a rework or new focus tree. More up, left more = requested.
All these A350s flying around... I'm just minding my own business in my B77W
Stop giving the scammers @ Utrecht central money
Tesla auto pilot
We apologize for the inconvenience
A little S-Bahn station area I'm particularly proud of
A small Dutch town