I’m so overwhelmed…
Anyone ever noticed the sermons are sometimes inappropriate for kids?
Does Anyone Know Why JWs Have Never Had Sunday School For The Kids?
What’s the most common age people “wake up”
Why does everyone speak so slow and creepy on the videos?
Any advice for coming clean to family?
Feel like I will never get out
LEAK and RECORD Everything!
Suddenly realized that most JWs don’t believe their doctrines seriously?
You have the ability to help us require JWs to report CSA in WA. Where is the support?!
The Governing Body will be gone eventually!
1 or 2?
BREAKING. Norway. 03/14/2025. Jehovah's Witnesses Won Case Against the State
Trigger phrases
Why are JW’s so fake?
What fictional movies or shows resonate with you as an exJW and why?
Which is worse for the JW org to get disfelloshiped, going against GB or a serious sin like a crime or a promiscuous act weakness of the flesh?
Trying to deprogram my family
Can you talk to someone who disassociates as an active member? or can you only nor talk to disfellowshiped and apostates
Biggest flaws that made you leave the jws
Posting exJW content
in a single sentence, tell us what made you leave/stop believing
Why are we awake?
Would you rather?
Why does watchtower care so much if we…