Why isn’t this game bigger?
For a game based on a hobby where you can paint your guys however you want, the basic customisation system sure is lacking. Here is an idea how to improve it:
Maybe this time it will be good
Still no dedicated lean button
Battlefield Labs starts Friday!
We all agree this shouldn’t come back, right?
I want fortifications to return in BF6
What's your opinion on limited ammo for vehicles?
Hot take: I believe servers in the new battlefield should be 64 players but also have 32 AI on both teams to fill out maps
I hope BF6 has the gritty/dark feeling of BF1...
Getting shot by an bolt action sniper will send you flying
Bring back Flight Suits for the new BF game
Battlefield V fans seeing the leaks.
Full video gameplay BF Labs
Just take a sec to think about how much better the game will feel
How do y’all feel about the Ruger Charger .22LR for SHTF Zombie Apocalypse?
I don’t think I’m Jumping The Gun Here
Battlefield labs sniper
How should UBI go about movement in the next GR game?
I know you have ideas. Let's hear them.
I hope the next battlefield makes the sniper rifles one shot, with a balance trade-off of becoming a little more realistic
You can only play Battlefield 3 or Battlefield 4 for the next year...which do you choose?
take a Warhammer quote and replace one or some words with sausage
PSA, Ghost Recon titles are up to 90% off on steam right now.
What’s your Mount Rushmore of Video game Music?