How strong di Kaido get in 20 years?
Marineford but Whitebeard not sick, Shanks and his crew are there from the start, and the Roger Pirates (minus Roger) are there too. Do they rescue Ace, or does he still die?
Would perona's power work on kaido ?
Worlds strongest marksman
Is Mihawk the most auraless top tier in the verse?
Keep your training time...
Just a reminder, whatever Loki does next chapter it's automatically a Shanks feat. And since Shanks uses a sword it's automatically a Mihawk Feat. It's just flawless powerscaling.
Has Zoro currently surpassed Oden, or does he need another boost?
I have a lot of slander of blacklng , give me zoro slander
Who do you think is the best hero?
Walls are complete in 8 days
Great now you gotta watch TV shows, animated series and read comics to understand MCU
Did not get bonus 200 pts
Some useless fact
The complete Dragon Set will return to the cosmetics shop tomorrow (16th Feb 2025)!
The First three bosses
Iron Man's Unibeam needs a buff (OC)
Looks like they run out of ideas so they came up with random stuff
This is the sappiest ending I’ve ever seen. Anyway I teared up a little. Superman & Lois epilogue.
I love it when elevators lead to secret paths so... of course I had to add that in my own game
Alanah Pearce thinks you're a tourist.
Geralt when bandits call him a "Witch Fucker"
I maxed the builder base. Why did I do this. Am I stupid?
I mean, to me is perfect casting, above the look and the ability,the hairline is already perfect, they dont have anything to do about it lol