any sapphic dark romance?
Why or why not did you choose to do PGT-A testing?
What is a horror movie scene that made you look away or feel ”phantompain”?
Where are you at in "the waiting?"
So accurate😂 My boyfriend always looks at me like I have two heads when I tell him how much I love extreme horror and splatterpunk books😂
Did “Incidents Around the House” scare you? Then recommend me a book!
Can a priest help me?
Looking for horror suggestions written by women!
Dark web themed extreme horror novels
Has anyone read Let's Go Play at the Adams'?
What are things you HATE seeing in dark romance and what do you WISH you saw more...?
I want to get back into the genre, but where to start?
Anyone play evil within 1?
Recs for a Son-to-Be Parent, Please!
Andrew Schulz's special about IVF was amazing
New Times article about PGT-A inaccuracy
What’s best high protein meal for weekly meal prep ? Chicken doesn’t taste best next day
Full Brutal reccs
Anyone else feel like meal prepping saves money, but also lowkey ruins your week?
Give me your darkest..pitch black please
Show me how dark it can get
Who else here is feeling SO tired?
I guess our IVF journey has now officially ended... and I'm kind of sad about it
My Easy Cheap Costco Mealprep
Top 3 underrated creep cast stories?