From a subreddit calling out misandry, who claims to not allow misogyny either…
Known breast milk thief has gone off the deep end.
If you could add a new paragon on renegade interrupt to ME2 or ME3 where would you add it?
Sir Lora
My headcanon after avoiding Timber in my evil Durge run.
Humilitainment or Why Maybe We Should Walk Away from Ash Trevino
Bad plan
Playing this again for the fourth time. This time, I’m saving Ashley.
Regarding Danisha/Khalil Comments, H3H3, and My Patreon Experience
Game animation/moment that makes you shudder?
So...Morinth - Wasted potential, right?
After defending a wife beater, Andy Signore now defends Michael Jackson.
Known predator Andy Signore defends Michael in Channel 4's Leaving Neverland 2
So why Garrus and Tali are special for fans
Rip Kazumi
I wouldn't trust a guy with "cock" in his name or a drunk myself
Is this what incels mean when they say, "Men have it harder than women"?
Why is no one talking about the eyes?
Women are getting hated for literally just existing
How would Jimmy play if he was in Super Smash Bros?
He's crashing out guys
Misinformation & leftism
The real Napoleon was 26 years old during the royalist uprising. Joaquin Phoenix was 48 in that scene.
First time encountering one in the wild
Ayo Edebiri Pirates of the Caribbean Story was fake
Real asexuals is a horrible sub