What’s a good certification ? Where to start ?
Has anyone used swimming to help with chronic stress or ptsd?
Can I get a Ironman 70.3 tattoo?
Cheapest boat to operate?
Critique me please
How Dead Calm Explains the 2 Kinds of Sailors
i’m "bored" and want to draw dogs so comment a picture of your dog and i will draw it
What’s something you did once and immediately thought, ‘Yeah, never again’?
Radio Telescopes Are Revealing a Trove of Faint Circular Objects in The Sky
Training peaks virtual slow speed ?
So here's the price increase
Thank you 147, you saved my life
Any tips, critique, suggestions ?
How I hope Starmers speech goes next week !
9,000 IRS employees laid off; 180 people/positions per state?
Tax for cyclists in Zurich
Have you ever lived/worked/frequented in a posh area where you elicited a response " You don't belong here Sir/ mate "
What was your first 45 record?
25m pools Gran Canaria ?
Jacob Kiplimo shatters half marathon record in Barcelona, 56:41
Started taking guitar seriously. Is this bad for my fingertips or am I just being paranoid?
What is the best pool you have swum in?
What’s something you started later in life that your younger self would have never imagined you'd enjoy?
How old was the oldest teacher in your school growing up…
What was the scariest movie when you were growing up?