Ehdotan, että Amerikan Pekoni uudelleen nimetään Suomen Pekoniksi!
I hate current "Assault"
Somewhat stuck in this Romania game, what to do?
I don't know much about mice. Which one should I buy?
Over 50% of Ukrainians think West holds back military aid in fear of Russia losing war
Pääseekö armeijaan alipainosena?
Should a hypothetical HOI5 be more like a simulation or more like a game like HOI4?
C paperit
I hope the next battlefield makes the sniper rifles one shot, with a balance trade-off of becoming a little more realistic
What don’t you want in the new Battlefield?
12kk - 6kk
Lihavuudesta C paprut?
Landscapes caught in infrared on the Helsinki-Turku train ride
I hope I will get to delete the (extreme) right folder today. Good luck Hans!
How to improve my aim under stressful circumstances?
forget about height, what’s ur weight??
Why did you hate 2042?
Cheats or just good? Bronze 3 rank
Introducing, the Blu-Glo Enthusiasts (CONCEPT)
Feedback Wanted: Diplomacy!
Zelenskyy Tells Trump: Putin Only Pretends to Seek Peace Because He's "Afraid of You" – Sources
As a Scandinavian, i can confirm this.
which battlefield should i get. I have $2.30
Yall going to continue to play Bf4 when Bf6 drops
No Crossplay