Melbourne day trip - Bendigo or Ballarat
phillip island locals
VENT: How the heck can I possibly lose weight?!
Pain from clenching jaw at night
CMV: The United States is very likely to invade Canada during Trump's term.
A person walking a dog, let her dog piss on my doorstep right on my mail box. Should I call her out next time ?
Most helpful thing someone has said to make your anxiety feel heard?
Ah the things we do when we turn 18...
Natural anxiety remedies. I currently just drink tea
Anyone know how to relieve muscle tension?? 😭
Facebook find of the day
Is food price becoming unaffordable in New Zealand?
3 weeks in and the pain has finally stopped!
What is a Melbourne suburb you are convinced doesn’t actually exist?
Anyone else feel this way?
What's a good philosophy over accepting climate grief but also not giving up?
Lost 12kg last year, gained 15kg back with no diet or exercise changes
Newby land based fishing Victoria needing tips
How do you cope with extreme eco anxiety?
CMV: humans have destroyed everything
CMV: my and future generations are toast
I'm absolutely broken
Enough... Some verses I penned from my eco anxiety
the delusional hopium in the comments is painful to read
Yes, you can have kids and fight climate change at the same time
Struggling to cope with every day life