man found with a glock and a switch in croydon
Operator Flat Stanley During deployment to Iraq
Impeccable taste
Bar job
First test, 10 lessons. Buzzing!
22 SAS and SASR even closer to the big cat 😅
Two SBS Operators
Initiation hazings
Cheapest pint in Newcastle…
Delta B SQN in Iraq 04-05
DEVGRU Red Squadron in the leadup to the rescue of Captain Philips. Jeff Nichols in the first pic.
My man
Mohammad Khalid Wardak, an ANP officer who fought with the US, after being rescued from the taliban by CAG. August, 2021.
Weightlifting/Powerlifting Gyms
DEVGRU Blue Squadron onboard a MH-6 during a training excersise over Virginia Beach. May 2021.
Anthony Mantello on show day. Will he get his pro card?
SBS Trooper Anthony Stazicker on the range in Poole
Australian SAS Operator posing on top of a daesh VBIED. Iraq, 2017.
A trooper from 22 SAS alongside a member of the 82nd Airborne Division. [828x1020]
US SOF Operators posing with a captured daesh flag.
British SBS Operator in Afghanistan.
The United Kingdom’s newest special operations unit, the Special Reconnaissance Regiment (SRR) [500x600]