Not enough pops as russia
Ah yes, the perfect rival fit for the mighty Dak.
"Trianon's cruelty applied to other countries" Hungarian poster in 1921
500 hours of playtime vs 5 hours of playtime
what the hell is this
Modular ships for Anno 117 announced
one, two, three,
Update Grombrindal and Wulfrik to have teleportation mechanics
What's this? Forming Arabia doesn't...form Arabia?
"Graveyard Keeper" but you only spent 5% of the time keeping the graveyard.
Event misrepresents Catholicism/history, perpetuates misconceptions.
[KCD2] Just got to Kuttenberg…
bring back fun xkcd comics 😔
what the fuck just happend
[Detail] In The Fellowship of the Ring (2001), Merry and Pippin down helmeted Uruk Hai with stones they pick up off the ground. This is a reference to HOLY SHIT HOW STRONG ARE HOBBITS ACTUALLY?
OK I understand the US is always a warmonger country but WHAT THE ACTUAL F IS THIS
How do I finish this mission?
Ivern Support = ADC Int
Ouch my Rule 3
Recommend Sleeves
Rose & Crescent: Episode 4 [Fabula Ultima Actual Play]
Railroaded at creation
Please help I don't know what to do
Giving the Food Basket to Clotho