Who is your KDrama GOAT in terms of playing side characters?
Would i be in the wrong for wanting to copyright report the scan sites that are paywalling new chapters?
Zuliqar Ali bhutto visiting Qaim Ali shah in hospital 1975
What’s One Thing You Miss About Old Lahore?
Stories of your family members who fought in worldwar2
What Are Your Reviews On This ?
Why is it all so complicated
Successfully defended my PhD yesterday. I don’t use social media other than Reddit, so I don’t really have a place to put this.
Jaffer express and anti Pakistan propaganda
Which one?
A step against the honor killing
Ladies, marriage or career?
Why Schools in Pakistan don't teach kid's about Indus Civilization's?
Webtoons that fell off the hardest?
[Response] to the Post About India in Egyptian Hieroglyphs on the Statue of Darius I around 500BCE | Misinformation
How much does it cost to get a small room painted?
Is this possible to restore? It's my mother as a child
If You Had to Start Over Today, What Career Would You Choose?
[Degas] The same reaction we all have when long haired ML's cut their hair
1,2 or 3? Which one suits me best?
Clean and Budget Friendly Hotel
Afghans being quietly moved out of capital
Encroachment Operation in Lahore
[REQUEST] I have exhausted good comedy shows on Netflix
AMA: I am a Pakistani that has followed the recent conflicts around the world in depth.