Who should I add in the midfield with 450k?
Can I realistically complete Mbappe sbc in 2 weeks.. I can do 4 of the cheapest and the 90 rated squad right now and have a million coins?
Got nearly 600k, any improvements? For CAM and Team in generell
What’s the best formation you’ve used this weekend?
First Rank 2 of the season
442 in game with salah up top - can someone help build a team for 800k not fussed what league or nations etc :)
First 10-0 in qualis this game. 4-1-3-2 has been cooking, div10moment the goat fr.
How much will Mbappe potm cost?
Who is the best player you’ve used so far?
Partner for potm son
1 or 2.. Hansen st in number 2
Any ideas on how to get full chem have about 400k and a couple players untradable
Stuck on who to buy any help
I have 1 mil coins and a decent team (
Best player or two you’ve used so far this year any price range?
My hwang he chan only shows I can get him to 86 rated through evolutions how do I get him to 87?
Team and Division. Go.
Upgrades? 100k but will have more after next weeks champs