Me realising that ive watched jack since 2018.
WHAT!!!! launch glitch??
Miracle Whip Gap
Miracle Flip Gap
How did they get custom mob and item appearances?
my not very good mumbo pumpkin
im sorry jim
Im sorry jim
We’ve had Disappointed Disappointed KSI now “Just Jack”
Disappointed Disappointed KSI
I made the Mr Incredible meme into jack
Jack Really Wants Us To Buy These Cards!!!
What games should Jack play? I think he should play a horror game like FNaF
If you could only ever watch one of Jacks channels what would it be??
JACK-OFFS! Assemble.
If i get top post ill do anything jack says. (and ill get the wee wee bush card for my birthday)
Its my birthday soon so i would appreciate the wee wee bush card
Its my birthday on November 3 so it would be nice if you could upvote so i could get the wee wee bush card
My birthday is on November 3 so it would be much appreciated if you upvoted this so i could get the wee wee bush for my birthday
Why hasn't my youtooz even shipped?
POV: you’ve been watching since before jack died 😢