What would this Star Wars collection be worth today.
The thoughtseeds you plant blossom into acts that bear their own fruit
so john is the bass player on helter skelter
Luis I 8 Reales recovered from a South Seas Company slave ship that sank off of Uruguay in 1728.
Take any Beatles song, title and replace one word with “butt”. What is your new song title?
What Bob Songs do you have a newfound hatred for?
What Bob Songs are you Currently Obsessed With?
Too many hot lady cops out
How Pink Floyd Fans feel after saying "Animal Underrated tbh"
Syd criminally underrated tbh
A couple more from my Bootsy collection "Bootsy? Player of the Year"1978, & "The Power of the One"
Ohh what could have been…
What's the new coolest fast casual restaurant in NYC?
Are there any Shears in the theater tonight? Get ‘em up against the Paul
Should they have put Penny Lane and Strawberry Fields on Sgt. Pepper’s?
What will it take for Paul to finally release "Carnival of Light" on any occasion, or is he all done with Beatles stuff now that Now and Then has been finished?
I need something that hits as hard as (Not Just) Knee Deep!
For the guy who asked why so many French people in NYC, this is why
Jimi Hendrix and Mick Taylor jamming backstage at Madison Square Garden on November 27th 1969. Jimi had gone there to see The Rolling Stones on his birthday
Question about Rampart (2011) staring Woody Harrelson (delicate issue discussed)
My first prs
Wow let’s see how this is
Why does this weirdo come up when I google stone?
what was bob dylan's stance on the free silver vs gold standard debate?
Help replace Heavy Hitters?
Little place called Keeprunning Mississippi