I think I’m doing something wrong. 4 hours and nothing.
What is the worst disc you have ever thrown?
I don't understand how you're supposed to stay under the sodium limit per day
Can someone just look at how I’m throwing and give any pointers?
What disc did you not expect, but definitely is, a “bomber disc”?
Any fishkeepers have used filter media to establish bacteria in new tank?
What’s the Most Overlooked Skill in Alone?
Does anyone know if these work?
3 discs what slot are you bringing?
What’s your favorite type of shot?
We are giving away a Gyropalooza 2024 Golden Ticket!
Anyone fighting Norovirus right now?
Norovirus/stomach bug?
You can have 2 midranges. That’s it. What are they?
Humanely killing crappie
Does anybody vape disposable 50 mg all day long ?
Best hyzer flip disc for weaker arms?
What is causing this circle in the sky around the moon?
New to vaping, feel sick.
Just shanked my Tesla into the great beyond. It was a more stable than I wanted, can anyone recommend a similar but more straight MVP disc to replace it?
9 speed driver recommendations for forehands
Purchased on sale, Iowa
What disc do you throw the farthest? Mold, weight & distance.
New PB; Need weight guesses
Thanks for the help