Should I go for it?
It happened...
Ingredient Farmers - Where to Find Them
Which one would you choose?
Why do people claim azumarill has such a high attack stat with huge power?
Nappers, what do you do about your bonus biscuit?
Why Kirby being 8 inches tall does make sense (fish edition)
Thoughts on Tracey
Would you settle for this mono-corn Stufful?
Max friendship level?
Do they need to rework salads?
Running Low on Basic Poke Biscuits: What to do?
I think I may have caught an absolute beast. I hope so anyways
Is this actually good enough as a temp healer?
Is this salts worth investing in, or should I keep looking
My second week at Lapis and I saw Suicune! Its stats were terrible though.
Is this a good coffee provider?
Why is AAA so heavily emphasized for the meta?
Is there no crit pity on meals?
Accidentally sent my level 43 first Pikachu to the Professor
Honestly my top 3 by far best pokemon; Dragonite Enthusiasts as well, every pokemon game I play I main Dragonite.
🥄 Psychic Type Week 🥄 March 17 -24
Event: Psychic Type Week
How long are you willing to wait for the 2nd skill trigger on your Healers? 😭
Finally level 50! Do I use all my skill seeds on it?