Arcane lmao
it hurts to watch that cute girl flirt with a guy in front of you
How do I get out of my head during sex?
Disappointed by a lesbian content creator i used to watch
why do i want a penis
What does a weird butch need to do to achieve a gf?
Lesbian Dating be like :(
Passing as a trans woman didn't solve dysphoria like I thought it would
Why do people preferer a mediocre often toxic relationship?
Why do you put your partner on a pedestal? Question for anxious attachers?
Vent lol
Currently questioning a hairstyle (last 2 images are me for reference)
Am I trans?
dating apps are so frustrating
Why is dating women so hard? :(
NieR: Automata - Has its internet over-sexualization led you to avoid it?
27 TF 4 NB/TM - Smooches, Sexts, or Platonic Pals
Do you own plushies?
This sub is a complete disaster that attracts only fickle, ghosting-happy people
This sub is a mess of bots and day old accounts!
Update: r/ballroomculture
Can’t verify number
Saw my ex afew years later...
Lesbian visual novel ideas?