Rant about HBDUWM
Mayhem just got my personal golden status
Why are people complaining about the performances of lady Gaga’s later albums?
what’s “hey alice”???
Unpopular opinion - y’all need to let ARTPOP go.
Praying this exact vinyl becomes available for purchase soon
The accusations are back yall 💀
Which Mayhem song is currently stuck in your head?
So obsessed with How Bad Do U Want Me
I’m literally shaking
Picked this up today xxxx
I don't think being a CNA is right for me
When Zombieboy comes back on the loop
How I view the progression of Mayhem
Who remembers mulberry
Me right now because I decided to be a decent human being and ACTUALLY wait for the album
How it feels having to wait 10+ hours while everyone else has already heard the entire album
Would you go for this with hourglasses even if you already have the rainbow?
Richy's latest post insta about Abracadabra choreography. What are your thoughts about this?
The record store around the corner from me is going to have signed vinyls on release day so check your locals!!!
Wait, people actually spend these things?
Have you ever lived a song by Mel in real life?
The cutest card on Pocket 🥹🥹🥹