I live on a small, tropical, island in the middle of the Caribbean (St Thomas) where we have two of the four remaining Kmarts still in business
Best flats/loafers/minimal heels
Need advice… what to do next?
Best inserts for ski boots?
Best ski boot inserts?
Where the snow meets the gulf of Mexico.
Gear help - 686 Women’s jackets
Phenomenal conditions today in NM!
Before and after
Nothing like fresh snow….winter can’t come soon enough
New chances
Long-Term Rental Advice
"Might as well buy new," A discussion on used 4runner prices.
Stupid question: This is a map of deserts in the USA. What’s the rest of Arizona and New Mexico if not desert? I thought they were like classic desert states?
2024 off road premium, just got it today 5 miles on it
Tamiflu is equivalent to a small dose of acid/shrooms
Buying first 4runner
New 6th gen revealed, so I….
How do I get my trim listed under my user name like the cool kids?
Is the Costco Automobile purchasing program worth using?
for anyone like me that still needs the research for getting a picture of Landorous, he'll be here soon
Tried the “new” aligns today…
How do you fix carpet that’s torn up by cats?
What do people do besides go out to eat?
What’s one thing that instantly makes a girl unattractive?