Love how this is the first thing og leon thinks after killing a grumpy old man in his house.
One thing i wish they worked more was in the sound design
Man jumps from 3rd floor, gets entangled in electric wires, fall and then miraculously gets up to throw brick at police
Some latterbox screenshots i took
What’s your unpopular Harry Potter opinion?
Half Blood Prince movie did not do Dumbledore justice
My Favorite Quote Of The Series. What's Yours?
Looking for ps5 games like GTA
Do i read the books or watch the movies first?
Some more photomode shots for yall
Just finished the movies and i am empty
Why does leander prewett looks so much like book ron wesley?
Some pics from my 3rd playthrough
Have you ever found some moment in Harry Potter too ''Horror''?
Who would win on a death battle? Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?
There's something so wholesome about Russel joining the snowball fight instead just destroying Algernon
What spell is this?
What role will social media play in GTA 6?
Just realized that florida dude is actually watering his snake
Describe a Harry Potter spell using only emojis
Why EA?
How do you guys think they'll expand the map on hogwarts legacy 2?
I AM BORED: Hogwarts Legacy Edition - Part 1
Anyone feeling like impending doom with this new year?