What do you think production should do to improve snatch game?
How to resist temptation?
Thank you!
Your top three minor characters and why?
What is some gay lingo you can't stand?
Holding space for that time Ginger Minj defied gravity
My Copy of "The Path of Daggers" has a misprint
I saw a TikTok where a gay man was making fun of straight guys, and one of his lines was that straight guys use axe body spray.
I think some people are missing an important aspect of Anetra cancelling all of these gigs. After ghosting promoters, she blames them and doesn't refund the 50% of the payment given to her in advance. In my town, we call this being a scammer.
Who do you think is the actual Queen of all Queens?
Nehellenia responds to Vanity saying she was different off camera
The GAS winner needs to abdicate the crown for the good of all humanity
anetra controversy?
DAE K****n K**g is MEAN?
Help us remember this sketch!
Hi I’m Girlzilla and this is my story.
I was told there would be no fact checking...
KITTY 😡😤🤬🤬😤😤😡
You guys, I’m furious and so so sad
WHY was this queen mentioned TWICE?
who’s one queen that completely won you over in all stars and/or after their season?
Fav snatch game
Trinity STUNS in new AliExpress cover shoot