How did the Immortal go from this to losing every fight.
Being max level
Could Master Kame have fixed Conquest?
How Mark looked trying to reason with Conquest.
Every Time!
Bro why are the species names so similar
Why did Conquest wait for Rex to die before fighting Invincible ?
What is something you said that shocked a liberal to their core?
America has fallen
Liberals discussion about one Gazan family entering the UK.
Muslims hate women
Trump-backing Muslim voters finally realize they 'made a big mistake': expert
Maga communism finally here🫡
Trump imperial cabessa in work
“Liberal Boutique Activism”
Today the world discovered that half of US voters would happily commit genocide if they received a ‘fixed’ domestic economy in return, while the other half would easily excuse genocide if it meant winning an election.
How did the sub predict Trump victory?
“Favourite food in Israel? It was like Syrian pizza.”
Author didn’t do a.very good job!
French foreign minister again urges Israel not to invade Lebanon
Think of the poor Landlords
Which part of the Middle East is your favourite cuisine?
Australia threatens to cancel visas of those protesting attacks on Lebanon