Probably the coolest battle ending I'll ever have. [Weapon type/battle art spoiler, just in case]
One down, many more to go!
Who is your DW waifu?
Origins (Possible Dlc wishlist)
So what officer defeat line lives rent free for you.
What did you name your nameless warrior?
Should i feel bad💀
A bittersweet journey, but at last...
Every "👀"gets nudies, try me
[No Spoilers] The average length of a Critical Role episode is 4h0m3s, across 324 main campaign episodes. How long are your sessions?
Players who never learned frame data, what's your highest rank?
Favorit weapon combo on crypto?
Without saying their name, tell me why your main sucks.
oh noooooo, anyways... [offthegrid]
What is the worst feeling when playing Tekken?
First 2k and a something a little [offthegrid] that I didn't notice til it was over.
first time hitting master last season now my first season getting master both splits🙏🏿🙏🏿 [offthegrid]
Would you cum for me if I sent you nudes? Let me know and wait for a surprise! 🤤
Made a complete chump out of this guy. 16k health difference. I am Quantum.
Tekken community > all communities.
So unneeded comparisons are pushing me to the point of dropping a character
Soo I'm stuck
what is the worst morphers?
Former weeb taking up the tin can for the holy land.
Hopefully my deeds are a sign of future victory to us all