Live Action
What is your fav Fitz moment?
Who is your absolute least fav character in KOTLC? And why?
Who are your hear me outs?
Why I stopped reading
do it
Ok but lowkey.
Question from my friend
Worth going back to?
Another plot hole 😐
Bro got violated 💀
Script for Keeper of The Lost Cities Movie Trailer #2
Keeper of The Lost Cities Movie Trailer!!!!
Small Announcement (unrelated to official KotLC content)
for the keefe fans
Shannon Messenger is milking this too much and incorporating too much fan-wanted content inside her books.
So would you read this fanfic
New to KOTLC and I have no one to talk to about it!
Any icks?
Choose one to eliminate! Round 2
Can someone help?
Bruh mr forkle is such an "erm, actually🤓👆"kinda guy
Are there only 2 schools?