My new Relay Station in Space - unfortunately not landable :D
[DAILY Q&A] Ask and answer any questions you have about the game here!
Federal Corvette - 2 Huge Beams Viable for PVE?
Remember CMDRs. If you're getting sleepy. DOCK, LAND, OR LOG OFF.
Ok I get it! You're moths drawn to Lantern Light. Time to stop killing yourself.
So this is a medium settlement you can build - my Krait MKII Phantom is like 1/4th of ti :D
My ship exploded on the way back from a three-week exploration mission.
The type 9: are we tired of it yet?
Creation of Mastercard
Constructing an orbital structure is really a sight!
Guys, my colonization ship just disappeared
Surface Port under construction
Are you being interdicted doing colonization?
Construction Station Not Leaving? Anyone Else?
My first industrial startport on a planet is finally built. Good view of the valleys and the gas giant in the distance, and it's tidally locked! (Port Azzawindea, HIP 17800)
First settlement finished - almost the size of my Type 9 hauler :D
How's everyone liking Euro Space Truck Simulator 2025?
How to actually build a second structure in own system?? I planned three space structures, but how I deliver mats? 2 structures I planned at the green circle...
Five billion credits in 2.5 days from selling CMM Composite to fleet carriers. Thanks, lazy billionaire colonialists!
Colony ship really has to colonise the furthest planet in the system!?
I've made a spreadsheet with details on the possible colonization structures you can build; requirements, tiers, system influence, etc...
Found Very First Non-Discovered System!
How does the CMM Composite refresh in settlements? Can I see it somewhere / how much?
Just how many systems are being colonized right now? It looks like there are as many as there are actual inhabited systems around me (all triangles with a little crane are being colonized).