How lame am I for buying these as a 29 year old?
He will avenge usss.
Valentines Day Drama should these two be together?
I absolutely love when the show gets extremely mystical and dreamy, starting with the white loth cat
How do your partners compare you to their smaller exes?
Which drug is the best first time doing it drug?
Been working on a Sabine cosplay
I see you
what’s the secret to taking drugs and not getting absolutely addicted
Question about weed psychosis
One of sabine's talent
Who is the best character in Star Wars Rebels?
pills that help with anxiety?
What's the angriest, most "I hate the world" song ever?
Are size queens real?
Brutal, unrelenting…
Bands/albums like Brodequin
2024: The Year of Walking (to be continued)
Worlds update part 2. Release date?
For benzo users, what’s your typical dosage like in a day?
Which Rap Is Ruby’s Fastest???
Always wanted to try; never had enough a sack to,
Got some of these Xans and Kpins which one should i pop first?
Archspire announces Spencer Prewett’s departure, open drummer auditions