You think these would be a good stand in for flawless?
What's your Warband Lore?
Infractor/Tormentors kit is FANTASTIC
How welcome are non-space marine armies/players in your circles?
When are we getting the rest of our models?
Konstrictus paint scheme?
Any Aussies able to get the army set today?
What are your thoughts on the basic units being tormentors/Infractors and not noise marines?
Colour Scheme Question
Will we be able to get the transfer sheet outside the army box?
Skipped my pile of shame to paint my test scheme
Finally Finished My Test Model For Saturday's Release
App update?
Alternative 3.0 rumours
Noise marines timing question
What type of unit would you want added next?
Got some work done today
2 Land raiders or 1 Land raider and 2 Rhinos?
Put together a set of tokens for the new Emperor's Children codex - they're available in Gold, Silver or Pink on my "WarToken" store on Etsy now.
Emperor's Children Terminators – not Noise Terminators, but 'orrible mutants
Emperors children, should I feel bad for not kit bashing them to me more depraved and/ or angelic
These two schemes are amazing!
Non-standard Color Schemes